Saturday, July 09, 2005

Nimitz Kids


Our day at Nimitz Beach was like this. First after waking up at 6:00 o' clock, we left to the road. After we met up in front of Longs Drug, we left straight to the beach. At the beach I played a water game with Preston. No one else wanted to come in so we bodyborded for a bit.

After quiet some time we realised we we not supervised so dicided to come to shore. We thought it was lunch and were hungry so we tecnally had to go with everybody else. Afterwards we played intill Missy came out. We explored for a bit.

After Missy left, Preston and I explored. After being late to cut the cake, we borded for a bit till' Missy went swimming. I started diving with her ( after we played with Kamalani). Thats when we had to go. This is how I saw today.

Thanks for reading!!!!